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SRX7443150: FRA189_Pdif_S LGEMA18387
1 ILLUMINA (Illumina HiSeq 2500) run: 619,299 spots, 123.2M bases, 46Mb downloads

Design: Sequence Capture of UltraConserved Elements (probe with 2,312 UCEs and 97 exons). Samples were sequenced in a multiplexed batch of 96 samples.
Submitted by: Instituto de Biociencias USP-SP, Brazil
Study: Climatic dynamics and topography control genetic variation in Atlantic Forest montane birds
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Montane organisms responded to Quaternary climate change by tracking suitable habitat along elevational gradients. However, it is unclear whether these past climatic dynamics generated predictable patterns of genetic diversity in co-occurring montane taxa. To test if the genetic variation is associated with historical changes in the elevational distribution of montane habitats, we integrated paleoclimatic data and a model selection approach for testing the demographic history of five co-distributed bird species occurring in the southern Atlantic Forest sky islands. We found that changes in historical population sizes and current genetic diversity are attributable to habitat dynamics among time periods and the current elevational distribution of populations. Taxa with populations restricted to the more climatically dynamic southern mountain block (SMB) had, on average, a six-fold demographic expansion, whereas the populations from the northern mountain block (NMB) remained constant. In the current configuration of the southern Atlantic Forest montane habitats, populations in the SMB have more widespread elevational distributions, occur at lower elevations, and harbor higher levels of genetic diversity than NMB populations. Despite the apparent coupling of demographic and climatic oscillations, our data rejected simultaneous population structuring due to historical habitat fragmentation. Demographic modeling indicated that the species had different modes of differentiation, and varied in the timing of divergence and the degree of gene flow across mountain blocks. Our results suggest that the heterogeneous distribution of genetic variation in birds of the Atlantic Forest sky islands is associated with the interplay between topography and climate of distinct mountains, leading to predictable patterns of genetic diversity.
Sample: LGEMA18387
SAMN13683065 • SRS5887448 • All experiments • All runs
Name: LGEMA18387
Instrument: Illumina HiSeq 2500
Strategy: Targeted-Capture
Selection: Reduced Representation
Layout: PAIRED
Runs: 1 run, 619,299 spots, 123.2M bases, 46Mb
Run# of Spots# of BasesSizePublished


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